Craig’s Friday Countdown:  Davenporttoday ideas which didn’t quite make it

Craig’s Friday Countdown:  Davenporttoday ideas which didn’t quite make it

Davenporttoday Ideas Which Didn’t Quite Make It

15.  Garage Sale Finder – A November launch places this handy app on the backburner.  Watch for it in the Spring.

14.  Davenportdayoldbreadlocator – Not Davenporttoday, enough.

13.  Block Party Crasher – Our open records mean you never have to go without neighborhood friends, or nachos.  Check the latest block party applications in the Clerk’s Office, and plan your next assault on someone else’s food.

12.  Terry Swail’s Micro-Climate 5000 – Geo-coding, doppler radar and the National Security Agency meet at the leading edge of meteorological science.  You get minute by minute weather, at your location, 24/7/365.  Brilliant idea falters when subscription service cost compared to bringing along an umbrella, just in case. 

11.  Walter Skrovonski’s Definitive Ranking Of His Favorite Jane Fonda Movies

10.  Admin Cam – An old Go-Pro, a sizeable forehead and some Krazy Glue is your ticket to the majesty that is the city management profession.

9.  Whiteyscopes – Legitimate horoscope services are shockingly expensive.  Plan to substitute signs of the zodiac with favorite Whitey’s flavors still stalled in raging internal dispute over whether Moose Tracks and Turtle Tracks are Gemini twins.

8.  Banana Man: Rise & Fall Of A Sporting Legend – Answers the question; can something be too hyper-local?

7.  Dear Jenny – A daily advice column by Communications Director Jennifer Nahra.  Worried?  Have a problem?  Can’t talk to your pastor about it?  Jennifer’s here, to help you get your game face on.

6.  Saddletime With Bill and Barney – Join Council pals Barney Barnhill and Bill Edmond for a weekly current affairs podcast hootenanny.  Horses?  Guns?  Art History?  No target is out of range when these marksmen lock and load.

5. – Kurt Allemeier finds your soulmate through (quasi, if we’re honest) scientific analysis of your favorite burrito.  

4.  ifected? – Skin lesion got you concerned?  Snap a pic on your smartphone and let Genesis’ team of specialists have a look at it (nsfw).

3.  Birthday B-Gone – A $25 tax deductible donation to the Davenport Legacy Foundation gets a framed certificate of a veto of your birthday.  You stay young.  A worthwhile community project gets funded.  Everyone wins.

2.  FIRI – FOIA all the day long, with FIRI.  Just ask for the public record of your choice and a certain Bettendorf attorney’s calming voice takes it from there.  Sign up to receive daily faxes!  Yes, faxes.

1. Who Said It? – An addictive, brain teasing game where you guess if a statement was made by City Administrator Craig Malin or lifted from a Dilbert cartoon.