Everything starts with something. These Siftings tend to start with an auditory, visual or tactile spark. Rarely olfactory, which is probably for the best. There’s a flicker, and sometimes the neurons catch fire, only extinguished when the words get typed onto the screen in just the right (?)...
Resetting The Clock
Eastbound on I-90 in south Chicago, Marcia notices a man urinating on the side of the highway. She registers her disgust, to which I agree by saying the guy should have waited to pull over in Gary, Indiana, where that sort of thing is expected. Chicagoan to the core, it is the despoiling of my...
CMx2 v.2
They say you can never step into the same river, twice. The idea being rivers are constantly changing. Rising and falling with source water, while meandering within valleys they carve over eons. Every second of every day, every river is a new river. Fair enough, but I don’t know the official...