Swing.  Set.

Swing.  Set.

He got me with the swingset.  The book isn't officially out until tomorrow, but Joseph Shields' picture caught my eye yesterday at an O'Hare bookstore.  Scanning down, Robert Putnam and Bowling Alone seals the deal.  I buy the book and cannot put it down.  If you care about the future of the nation (a fairly large audience, one hopes), buy or borrow Our Kids, read it, and undertake some positive action.  Don't go to Barnes and Noble in Davenport today though, cause they're sold out.  Mayor Gluba, Tara Barney and Mike Vondran got the first (and only, thus far) three copies, still cold from the truck.

(Wednesday Night Update - Books A Million is sold out too as copies for the QCT Editorial Board to pass around are procured.  And ... Supt. Tate rules !)

It's not the first time a swingset distracted me.

Now, back to the Reinvestment District application.